A few decades ago bed bugs could be quickly eliminated using very powerful but toxic chemical substances like DDT. However, most of these chemicals were banned due to their adverse effects on human beings and the environment. This is one of the reasons that has contributed to bed bugs becoming the nuisance that they are today. As troublesome as they may be, getting rid of them shouldn’t be a problem if you know what to do. The following five tips will come in handy when you decide to implement bed bug control.
1. Find the bedbugs
Once you suspect that your home may be infested with bed bugs the first things that you should do is to find them. If you do not find them, then you cannot be entirely sure that they are even there. However, finding them shouldn’t be a problem as they infest a place in numbers, and they reproduce very quickly. To find them you might need to dismantle the bed and empty dressers and nightstands. Checking chairs sofas and other common places will also be vital.
2. Rather than panicking call in a professional
Once you ascertain that there are bed bugs in your home or if you don’t find any you should not panic, but instead you should call in a professional. A professional has the necessary skills and experience to locate these creatures no matter where they may be hiding.
3. Avoid products that don’t work
When you are desperate to get rid of bed bugs, you can easily be lured to buy products that will not work. There is a growing number of products in the market that claim to get rid of these creatures very fast but in most cases this is normally just sales talk. These products may be able to kill bedbugs when you spray directly on them, but they will not be effective on the bugs that you cannot see. If you have hired a professional, he will be able to advise you on the right products to use.
4. Repair walls and Vacuum the house
This tip will be significant to remember once you exterminate the bugs. It is important to repair cracks in the wall and glue the wallpaper properly as these provide a good hiding spot for the creatures. Vacuuming helps get rid of the bed bugs and their eggs. It also eliminates the dirt that provides an excellent habitat for them to breed.
5. Avoid bringing them back
It might be challenging to get rid of the bedbugs but bringing them back is easy. To make sure that all your efforts are not for nothing you should ensure that they do not return. You can achieve this by thoroughly inspecting anywhere you sleep that is not your house. You should also check clothes and any other luggage’s that you bring into your home especially if they come from other homes.