Bed bugs are small, flat, rusty, wingless insects that have a reddish-brown color and are about the size of an apple seed. During the day, the hide on mattress seams, bed frames, headboards, box springs, as well as cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and furniture. They only crawl out at night to feed on human blood when people are asleep. Although they aren’t dangerous unless you’re allergic to their bites, having these unwanted guests in your house can make life so unbearable. So, who do you remove bed bugs from your home? Try these easy tips. Remove Clutter
Removing all clutter is your first defense against bed bugs because they provide these insects with a place to hide. Keep clothes, books, magazines, and other things off the floor. Be sure to remove anything that you might have stored around or under the bed. In addition, move your bed away from the walls and furniture to prevent the bugs from climbing from one place to the other. Put all the unnecessary items that you’d like to discard in plastic bags, and take them to the outside trash can where someone will not find them.
Regularly Clean Your Home
Get rid of bed bugs by regularly cleaning all the areas where they’re likely to hide. Scrub mattress seams, as well as the stitching along the mattress edge using a stiff brush to loosen and remove the bed bugs and their eggs. After that, vacuum the mattresses, pillows, cushions, carpets, rugs, as well as the top and bottom surfaces of furniture. Be sure to throw the contents of the vacuum cleaner away from your home. In addition, clean clothes, curtains, and bedding by washing them in warm soapy water, and then leaving them in the dryer for at least thirty minutes.
For hard furniture, such as bookshelves, television stands, dressers, bed frames, etc, use warm soapy water to wipe the inside, outside, top and bottom. Don’t forget to seal all the cracks and crevices using a good sealant to keep the bugs from entering your home in the future.
After cleaning your mattress and box springs, cover them with bed bag-proof encasements. These are tight-fitting bags that prevent bed bugs from getting into or out of a mattress or box spring. You can find good quality encasements affordably at your local department store, or in online stores.
Dispose of Items By Bed Bugs
To prevent bed bugs from spreading, make sure you don’t donate or resell any items that you suspect have the bugs. Instead, throw them in the garbage. And if you can, destroy the items to prevent someone else from going through your garbage and taking them away.
With the right knowledge, persistence, and time, it is possible to eliminate bed bugs from your home for good. Implement these simple tips, and say goodbye to your bed bug problem.