Signs of Cockroaches Infestation in Your House

Signs of Cockroaches Infestation in Your House

Cockroaches can be a nuisance plus they are also good in spreading disease-causing bacteria as they walk on food and other related items. Unlike many other pests, detecting cockroach infestation in your home is easy. In most cases, many people do not consider their homes to be infested as they rely on what they see during the day but the story is normally different when you go to bed. Cockroaches are normally very active at night and will crawl out of their hideout immediately after you switch off the lights. It is important to know when your home is infested with these harmful yet innocent-looking pests as this will help you eliminate them early before they multiply into unmanageable numbers. 

Signs of cockroaches infestation in your house

Check out at night

As aforementioned, cockroaches are normally active in the dark especially at night. It is easy to think that your house is free from cockroaches if you rely on the activities of the day as these can reveal very little about their presence. The first step towards cockroach detection is to wake put on the lights especially in the kitchen during the dead hours of the night and you will be surprised at the number of crawling insects that will be making movement seeking to hide under any object readily available therein. You can also switch off your kitchen lights while not using it and then walk in with your spotlight to see whether you will spot cockroaches on the worktop or on the floor.

Droppings or feces

It is possible to know whether your home is infested by checking the cupboards or cabinets for any sign of unusual particles which could turn out to be cockroach feces. These are normally small and dark, resembling black pepper or coffee grounds if they originate from smaller roaches. On the other hand, large roaches can be detected through the presence of cylindrical droppings that are black or brown in color. By the number of feces, it is easy to know whether you have a large number of roaches and whether the infestation has been there for a long duration.

Unusual smell

Normally, a huge infestation will come with an unpleasant, lingering odor that will be present on any items roaches come into contact with. It is possible to get this smell on utensils or worktops especially if cockroaches have had a field day walking and eating from these items. In case you get an unusual odor on your utensils especially those stored in the cupboard, it is time to explore further and see whether you have uninvited guests in your home.

Old cockroach skin

It is common for cockroaches to shed their “cast nymphal’ skin approximately 5 to 8 times as they translate into adult age. These will be found inside cupboards or corners close to their nest or habitation. In case you discover these unusual “roach-like” skins, know that the population is growing and could be out of hand soon.

Smear marks

Roaches normally leave brown smear marks on their trail. In case you see irregularly shaped marks on the wall or refrigerator, use any of the above tips to find out whether roaches have turned your storage space into a home.

It is also possible to find roaches inside your fridge as they look for moist and warm sections inside there. Cockroaches also like staying under the sink, along with the piping in the bathroom and laundry room. You might also detect their infestation by being on the lookout for their eggs which are laid and attached on corners and cracks inside the house. In case you detect any infestation signs, take a swift step to eliminate them.